A briefing on the amendments and changes to the Land Code was held on December 16 by the State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy. Rustam Shahbazov, the deputy head of the State Service, provided media representatives with information on the main directions and essence of the amendments and changes to the Code.

It was noted that the development of the agricultural product processing industry serves to further improve the business environment in the agricultural sector. In this regard, the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Amendments to the Land Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan" on June 28, 2024, is of significant importance, and the implementation of the Law will begin with its entry into force on January 1, 2025.

According to the innovations introduced by the Law, on agricultural land, only constructions and installations intended for agricultural production and processing, as well as for the temporary residence of workers, can be built. These structures may be located on agricultural land areas that are at least 5 hectares and no more than 1% of the total area within a single boundary. However, summer and winter pastures, as well as common use grazing areas, are exceptions. Temporary construction and installation works on agricultural land will be carried out with the notification of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture and local executive authorities. The requirements for the construction works are defined by the relevant Law.

It was noted that there are no restrictions regarding the 5-hectare and 1% limits when constructing and installing greenhouses and irrigation infrastructure.

One of the innovations is related to the categorization of lands and the process of transferring them from one category to another. According to the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28, 2024, with the exception of summer and winter pastures, grazing lands, and hayfields, landowners are granted the opportunity to change the designated purpose of their lands within the same category. The reclassification of agricultural lands under crop cultivation and perennial plantings can be carried out by landowners, tenants, or users of the land.

It should be noted that applications regarding the categorization of lands, their transfer from one category to another, and changes in the intended purpose within a category will be submitted directly to the State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy. The process of reviewing these applications will be carried out electronically based on the "single window" principle. The regulations will come into effect on January 1, 2025.

The process of providing feedback on applications for changing the land category by state authorities will be carried out through the e-Government Information System. In this case, relevant state authorities must submit their feedback electronically within 10 working days. If feedback is not provided within the specified period, the change of the land category will be considered approved in agreement with the relevant state authority.

The categorization of lands and their transfer from one category to another is carried out with the approval of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and by a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Thus, with this Decree, a more advanced, simplified, and electronically implemented procedure for the categorization of lands, their transfer from one category to another, and the change of their intended use has been established. This procedure will enable more convenient and transparent services for citizens.

At the end, the questions of the media representatives were answered.