The announcement about state properties put up for auction is posted on the official website of the State Service on Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy ( at least 30 days before the auction day. On the privatization portal (, it is possible to get acquainted with information and photos reflecting the current state of state properties put up for auction. People who want to participate in the privatization can make a choice, register, and obtain customer status by paying a deposit of 10% of the initial auction price of the state property no later than 3 banking days before the date of the auction. On the day of the auction, bidders participate in the auction both by coming to the Property Services Center and by using electronic resources.

Making a bid at the auction

Information about the properties ordered by the auctioneer in person or online is provided and the starting price is announced. If no bid is made by any participant after the initial sale price has been announced, the auction is deemed not to have taken place. When one person is a customer, if that person agrees to the offer announced by the auctioneer, that person is declared the winner of the auction. When the auction is competitive, the participants make additional offers to the original sale price of the property. Each new offer should not be less than 1 percent of the original sale price. For example, the minimum bid for state property with an initial selling price of 5,000 manats is 50 manats.