The possibility of expanding joint activities in the field of renewable energy, supporting the private sector and improving the information technology ecosystem with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development was discussed within the framework of the visit to the United Kingdom.

The head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) from Azerbaijan, Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov met with the first vice-president of the EBRD, Jurgen Rigterink, in London as part of his visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Minister of Economy expressed that Azerbaijan attaches importance to the development of relations with the Bank, and thanked the EBRD for its long-term and continuous support to the economic development of our country. The minister emphasized the compatibility of the socio-economic development priorities of our country with the global goals and noted the importance of combining efforts to realize the set goals. It was stated that in this context, it is important to discuss with the Bank the practical steps to be taken for the implementation of priority projects in "green" economy, energy, especially renewable and alternative energy, private sector development, infrastructure and other directions.

First Vice-President Jurgen Rigterink pointed out that the portfolio of bilateral cooperation covers important issues and that Azerbaijan's globally important initiatives stimulate partnership. Jurgen Rigterink conveyed his congratulations on the occasion of holding the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP29 next year in Azerbaijan, and said that the EBRD is ready to support Azerbaijan in this direction.

The parties discussed the partnership prospects with the Bank, opportunities for expanding joint activities in the field of renewable energy, supporting the private sector and improving the information technology ecosystem.