Promoting the results of intellectual activity in the leading sectors of the economy, expanding state support for innovation and creativity, supporting the development of the creative economy dominated by intellectual property are among the main priorities of our country as the challenges of our time.

Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov and Chairman of Board, Intellectual Property Agency, Kamran Imanov met with Hasan Kleib, Deputy Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

It was reported at the meeting that the scientific research potential has been modernized in Azerbaijan over the past years, and the role of intellectual property in the application of modern technologies has been increased. 2 of the national priorities of our country aim for Azerbaijan to have a stable growing competitive economy, competitive human capital and become a place of modern innovations. Adapting knowledge and skills to the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the digital economy is also reflected in the prepared Digital Economy Strategy.

It was stated that the development of intellectual property supporting innovations, promoting the results of intellectual activity in leading sectors of economy, and expanding the quality of professional training are among the main goals of our country as the challenges of our time, and relevant work is being done in this direction.

Hasan Kleib shared his views on stimulating the registration of intellectual property rights at the international level, establishing effective patent registration procedures and raising awareness about intellectual property rights, and highly appreciated the results achieved by our country in this direction.

The issues of organizing the exchange of experience on trademarks and geographical indications for business entities, turning the protection of intellectual property rights into an economic policy were discussed at the meeting.