A detailed cadastral database has been created on all lands and real estates located on 433,554 hectares in Shirvan, Saatli, Sabirabad, Neftchala, Salyan and Hajigabul regions.

A zonal meeting dedicated to the field of land and property management was held on February 28 in Shirvan, jointly organized by the State Service on Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy and the Executive Power of Shirvan City. The event was attended by responsible officials of local executive powers of the Shirvan, Saatli, Sabirabad, Neftchala, Salyan and Hajigabul regions, the municipality and representatives of the media.

Elchin Yusubov, deputy head of the State Service on Property Issues, making a speech at the event, emphasized that in order to achieve the goals set in the development strategies approved by the head of state, it is of particular importance to organize the effective management of land resources and improve the land relations regulation mechanisms, which are considered as the main element of the country's potential capabilities.

Information was provided at the meeting on the management, use and control of the land and state property, the leasing of state property and plots of land, the review work on the ownership or lease of municipal land to individuals and legal entities, and the development of electronic base maps. It was reported that a detailed cadastral database has been created on land and immovable properties on 433,554 hectares of a total of 776,642 hectares in Shirvan, Saatli, Sabirabad, Neftchala, Salyan and Hajigabul regions. Work is ongoing on the remaining 343,088 hectares.

The monitoring conducted in 2020-2022 by the State Service in the regions covering the region, the analysis of the data received from the regional executive authorities approve that in some cases, the plots of land suitable for agriculture are not used as intended, the requirements of the land legislation are violated in the documentation and use of land leased to legal entities and individuals owned by the state and municipality. As a result of the conducted monitoring, 525 cases of violation of land legislation were discovered and documented by the State Service on Property Issues in the mentioned regions during 2020-2022. 487 administrative protocols were drawn up in relation to relevant land users regarding violations of land legislation in the regions, and a fine of 210,000 manats was imposed during this period. Appeals were made to the relevant local executive authorities and relevant executive powers in order to take the measures determined by the legislation regarding those cases. The importance of increasing joint activity with relevant government agencies and taking effective measures to prevent and eliminate violations of land legislation was brought to attention. It is also important to carry out preventive measures, continuous educational and explanatory work related to compliance with legislation in the field of land use and protection, and to strengthen the participation of the public, mass media and municipalities in these issues.

An exchange of views took place, suggestions were heard and directions of cooperation were discussed at the end of the meeting.