In accordance with the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 15, 2021 "On several measures for the development of the manufacturing and processing industry in the agricultural sector", the State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy continues the correction work as part of elimination of existing inconsistencies in land use and completion of planned activities.

Note that the Service continues to work in elimination of inconsistencies in parcelled lands in 50 out of 51 regions where electronic cadastral registration of land has been completed. In another 15 regions (Shamkir, Imishli, Fuzuli, Dashkasan, Zardab, Tartar, Sabirabad, Saatli, Siyazan, Shabran, Balakan, Samukh, Beylagan, Barda, Goychay), correction work has been completed, and the results have been integrated into the Electronic Land Cadastre Information System. So, the work to eliminate inconsistencies in parcelled lands has been completed in 25 regions.

The inconsistency of the information in the land documents of citizens with the real situation has led to numerous land disputes and problems with registration. As part of this work, a regulatory and legal framework is being created to regulate the differences between the actual size and the size in entitling documents of parcelled lands transferred to the ownership of citizens in connection with the land reform. Accordingly, citizens will be able to easily obtain extracts by submitting legal documents for parcelled land to the territorial offices of the State Service for Property Issues.