The simplification of privatization procedures in our country, the transition to electronic auctions, the organization of online services, the privatization of promising enterprises create ample opportunities to attract investors in our country.

The State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan held 34 auctions for the privatization of state-owned property in January-June 2021. The auctions privatized 123 state properties, which include 10 stock of shares of joint-stock companies, 26 small-scale state enterprises, 1 unfinished building and 86 vehicles.

The introduction of innovations has led to increased efficiency and citizen satisfaction in the privatization process. So in the first half of this year, 38 e-orders were received for state property put up for auction, and 15 online connections were made through the Electronic Auction Service.

For 6 months of 2021, 308 non-residential areas, including land plots with 403 enterprises and facilities were leased, and 145 lease agreements were extended.

State budget receipts from privatization in January-June of this year amounted to 32.3 million manat, and the six-month forecast was fulfilled by 72.8%. The budget received 7.2 million manat from the lease of state property, and the six-month forecast was fulfilled by 134.2%. Note that income from lease to the state budget increased by 58.7% compared to a year earlier.